The writer is chief economist at ING
Donald Trump’s resounding victory has upset conventional economists almost as much as American liberals. The Republican candidate’s pledge to implement trade tariffs and other protectionist measures has provoked a spate of dire economic prognostications. But much of the current doom-mongery doesn’t consider mitigating factors — and risks undermining the credibility of globalisation’s defenders.
唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的大胜给传统经济学家带来的沮丧与给美国自由派人士带来的沮丧不相上下。这名共和党当选总统实施关税和其他保护主义措施的承诺已经引发一连串严峻的经济预测。但当前很大一部分“末世论”并没有考虑缓和因素——而且可能会削弱全球化捍卫者的可信度。
These are difficult times for economic experts. Politicians hardly seem to take their advice seriously any more. Economists continue to warn about the dangers of deglobalisation in the form of higher prices and less GDP growth but electorates are rolling their eyes. Trump’s victory amplifies this trend.